The Mindset of a Singer


Your mindset about your voice, whether it is for singing or speaking, is definitely going to influence how you communicate, whether it is through singing or speaking.

There are a number of mindsets that control your voice and here is one of them:
What you were told as a child about your voice will either help or hinder you.
The truth is as a voice teacher, a huge part of my job is helping singers find the right headspace for their next performance.

That’s because singing is not just about improving range, vocal exercises, and tone. 

Singing is also Psychology. 

The voice is the most vulnerable instrument because it’s the only instrument that comes directly from your body.

So how do you overcome this intense stage fright when you sing? - It all comes down to mindset.

Mindset Tip #1: Sing with Good Vocal Technique

Singing with good technique is the best thing you can do to improve your confidence when you perform.

Now here’s where most performers go wrong: Many singers get panicked a week before the gig and they book a lesson with a voice teacher or sign up for online singing lessons. But that’s the worst time to do vocal training!

That’s because when the pressure is on, you’re more likely to make mistakes. And if you feel anxious when you’re in a lesson, you’ll feel way more nervous when you’re on stage.

Instead, start vocal training well before your next performance. Because we don’t learn very well when we’re in fight or flight mode.

Mindset Tip #2: Be Prepared

I know this sounds silly: But very few performers have a solid plan for their performance.

Many artists fail to answer simple questions like how to get to the gig, what equipment to bring, and how they’re getting paid with enough time to feel prepared. Don’t make this mistake! If you leave these questions unanswered for too long, you’re way more likely to feel anxious the night of the gig.

Instead, treat your next show like your first day at a new job. On the first day of a new job, you know exactly where you have to be, what time to be there, and what you’ll need to do your job. Why would you treat a gig (paying or not) any differently?

Mindset Tip #3: Be Ready to Work Through Mistakes

As a performer, you will make mistakes.
But the real difference between an amateur and a professional is that the pro has the experience to know that they can work through ANYTHING!

This very simple mindset adjustment will keep you flexible enough that you can work through any mistakes that may happen on stage.

Mindset Tip #4: Be Yourself

I am me.jpeg

Unless you’re in a cover band, nobody’s paying to see your best artist impression.
People are paying to see you! So be yourself when you’re on stage.

What do I mean by “be yourself”?
Being yourself means feeling free to express yourself authentically when you’re on stage.

Now here’s where most singers go wrong: Too many beginning performers just imitate their favorite artists when they perform.

But it takes confidence to be yourself. And this confidence comes from feeling prepared that you can ace your performance no matter what happens.

Mindset Tip #5: Be Present

Stage fright is one of the biggest problems that clients face.
But even though you may not eliminate your anxiety, you can learn to manage it better.

Although feeling nervous is perfectly normal, the trick is to realize that eventually, the nervousness will pass.

And then the real trick is to be present and enjoy the time that you have on stage! 

Just this simple mindset shift can really help you reduce your nervousness for the next show. And you’ll be amazed at how much better the crowd responds to you!

Vocals on Stage