3 Tips that will Improve your Voice Guaranteed

We love sharing our secrets with you, especially when it comes to Vocal Health and developing a better Singing Voice. Here are our 3 Pro Tips for a better sound and a better voice.

Tip #1: Warm up with SOVTEs
One of our favorite ways to start a warm-up is Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract exercises, or in short SOVTEs. Those exercises warm up your voice, increase the blood flow to your facial muscles, help direct the airflow, and are a great way to stretch your vocal folds and expand your range. Just make sure you don't feel tension in your throat when you do these exercises. You can do them as hums, lip trills, tongue trills, and sustained voiced fricatives or by creating bubbles with a straw in a glass filled with water.

Tip #2: Embrace Legato
You as the singer are not the drummer. You don't have to emphasize the beat with your voice. Legato means in a smooth-flowing manner, without breaks between notes. For singers, this means not stopping the airflow between words or within a word. This is especially tricky when you have to stop consonants such as (/b, d, g/) but if you avoid over-emphasizing those sounds, you can achieve a smooth transition from vowels to consonants and vice versa. You can try saying the phrase on a comfortable pitch without interrupting the airflow, then sing your phrase with the intended melody but try to keep that legato feel.

Tip #3: Speak on the Pitch
If you're struggling with a phrase, let's say it's a passage that's in a higher range or there's a large interval jump, try speaking the phrase on the pitches. Instead of sustaining notes, you would have short notes. This will help you find a better placement for your voice and when you have found that, you can sustain the notes again and gradually move towards the phrasing intended in the song.

Unlock the full potential of your voice with these tips, and let your singing journey flourish!

Vocals on Stage